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MOD.110 - ABBE Refractometer


Bench refractometer with thermostatable prism

Complete with digital thermometer and calibration prism

Other features

It allows the determination of the sugar content in aqueous solutions expressed in degrees Brix

With the help of a thermostat, it is possible to measure the refractive index of substances with temperatures between 10 and 50°C

Measuring range

Brix: 0,00..95,00% (±0,25%)

nD: 1,3000..1,7000 (±0,0002)

Supplied as standard

The instrument is supplied complete with a glass thermometer with protective metal sheath, a standard glass with box, a screwdriver and a bottle of naphthalene bromide

MOD.110 - ABBE Refractometer


Bench refractometer with thermostatable prism

Complete with digital thermometer and calibration prism

Other features

It allows the determination of the sugar content in aqueous solutions expressed in degrees Brix

With the help of a thermostat, it is possible to measure the refractive index of substances with temperatures between 10 and 50°C

Measuring range

Brix: 0,00..95,00% (±0,25%)

nD: 1,3000..1,7000 (±0,0002)

Supplied as standard

The instrument is supplied complete with a glass thermometer with protective metal sheath, a standard glass with box, a screwdriver and a bottle of naphthalene bromide

: 43000133

Categories: OTTICI

Dimension 100 x 200 x 240
Magnification of reading system 30X
Mignification of telescopic system 2X
Weight 2.6
Brix measuring range 0,00 ... 95,00
Refraction index measuring range 1.300 ... 1.700
Brix accuracy ±0,25
Refractive index accuracy ±0.0002
temperature measurement range 0 ... 70

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